The Role of the ACMP Texas Chapter Board 

The ACMP Texas Chapter Board of Directors (the ‘Board’) is the local governing authority of the ACMP Texas Chapter, a certified affiliate of the Association of Change Management Professionals (‘ACMP Global’). It is responsible for directing, influencing, and monitoring the Chapter’s business. The Board sets the tone for the Chapter and leads the organization’s future by developing policy and strategic direction. Governance is how the Board exercises its authority, control, and oversight over the Chapter. The Board carries out its governance role by developing and monitoring policies. The board defines the parameters within which the Chapter will carry out its work. Work organized through portfolios and committees overseen/managed by Board Directors who focus on interpreting and implementing policies. The Board is responsible for the Chapter’s purpose and identity and is accountable to the membership for the Chapter’s success.

ACMP Texas Chapter Board Roles


The Chapter President is the principal executive officer of the Chapter and provides overall leadership in Chapter operations’ management and achievement of strategic objectives and goals. The President directs the activities of the other Board Directors per the Chapter Mission and Bylaws.

Vice President

The VicePresident attends to the President’s duties in his/her absence or if the office becomes vacant for any cause.   This role also represents the board and guides all committees.

Director Chapter Operations

The primary responsibility of the Director of Chapter Operations is to ensure accurate Chapter records and all information assets are regularly maintained and managed per Chapter Bylaws, policies, and applicable regulations (e.g., privacy ). Also, the role ensures that Board meetings follow parliamentary procedure and that other Chapter administrative operations run smoothly and effectively to meet the board and membership’s needs.


The Director of Sponsorship and Treasury’s primary responsibility is to direct the Chapter’s fiscal policy to ensure financial management integrity for the Chapter. The Treasurer leads budget development, oversees custody of Chapter funds and assets, acts as Controller, and assures the Chapter’s financial stability and sustainability. This role also provides leadership in Sponsor acquisition and development of sponsorship/partner Professional Development to meet the Chapter’s needs.

Membership Director

Abstract: This role provides leadership in the area of Chapter Membership in accordance with the needs and goals of the Chapter and fulfillment of its mission. The primary responsibility of the Director of Membership is to direct the Chapter’s membership policy and related activities to ensure the Chapter remains relevant within the professional community it serves.

Professional Development Director

This role provides leadership in Chapter Professional Development following the Chapter’s needs and goals and fulfillment of its mission. The Director of Professional Development’s primary responsibility is to develop the schedule of events and activities to ensure the Chapter provides ‘value’ to the community.

Director of Marketing and Communications - VACANT

This role provides leadership in the Chapter Marketing and Communications area, following the Chapter’s needs and goals and fulfillment of its mission. The Director of Marketing’s primary responsibility is to direct and manage marketing efforts to generate new membership and sponsorship, promote awareness of the chapter in the community, chapter branding, and external-facing communications.

Annual Conference & State Wide Events - VACANT

This role provides leadership in Chapter Event planning, execution following the needs and goals of the Chapter, and in fulfillment of its mission. The Director of Events’ primary responsibility is defining, source, managing, and executing the logistics required for planned statewide events. This role ensures high-quality program experiences for members, prospective members, and speakers while balancing costs and revenues.

Technology Director

Abstract: The Technology & Tools Director provides overall leadership in the management, selection, and support of technology and tools necessary to achieve the chapter’s strategic objectives and goals. The Technology and Tools Director directs the area-specific Regional Board positions’ activities, per the ACMP Texas Chapter Mission and Bylaws.

District Director (North Texas, Austin, San Antonio, & Houston)

North Texas

Austin - VACANT

San Antonio


The area-specific Regional Director is the principal officer of the region and provides overall leadership in managing regional operations and achieving the specific region’s strategic objectives and goals. The Regional District Director directs the activities of the Regional Board positions according to the ACMP Texas Chapter Mission and Bylaws.

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