2020 has brought out fear, anxiety, discomfort, unease, insecurities, and pain in everyone, including you!
As change practitioners, we see these are typical responses to change. But why was this different? Why did we experience such a level of emotive trauma?
The difference was, this was unplanned, disruptive, VUCA change and that’s hard. In this session, Rich Batchelor will explore the trauma fall out of the experience and facilitate individuals recognize and develop Curiosity, Agility, Resilience and Leadership (CARL) skills to safely navigate the VUCA world of disruption and not just survive it, but build a better self to stand above the rest when the next unplanned and/or unpredictable disruption occurs.
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(c) Association of Change Management Professionals - Texas Chapter
14439 NW Military Hwy | STE 108-101 | San Antonio, TX 78231www.acmptexas.org | info@acmptexas.org