! - - RESCHEDULED to March 2 due to weather impact on the guest speakers' clinical practice. Good news, more change to talk about! -- !
Join us for February Local Voices as we meet Dr. Brooke Knowlton & Dr. Chris Knowlton, Veterinarians at Cibolo Small Animal Hospital. The Docs will talk about the business transformation as their clinic moved to curbside service to comply with local government response to the pandemic. There is a value proposition for consultants in the opportunity of coaching small business and some rich insights for business owners in leading change.
Key Points: Leading change in a small business, thriving in a distanced environment, service continuity, customer care in a high contact environment.
In Local Voices, we feature San Antonio area professionals discussing change leadership in their organization, delivered in a podcast/interview style. Local Voices is hosted by ACMP Texas San Antonio Regional Director Barry Bridges.
ACMP Texas is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: SA Regional Local Voices Webinar - Mar
Time: Mar 2, 2021 06:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
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